Water That's Not Boring!

















Summer is officially here! Now it's even more important than ever to make sure you stay hydrated... Did you know that by the time you feel thirsty you are already dehydrated? We all know we should be drinking about 8 glasses of water a day. I know that water can be "boring." I know that it's much more fun to reach for something a little more exciting... SO, I decided to share some not so boring water recipes that look and taste a lot more fun. AND, they are still healthy -- no artifical flavors or colors. I also think that the visual aspects are important, so find glasses or jars that are fun and look appealing. Mason jars are fun to use...

ALL CITRUS WATER: Slice one orange, one lime, one lemon into rounds, then cut the rounds in half. Add to the jar (or pitcher) and press and twist with the handle of a wooden spin to release some of the juices. Don't pulverize the fruit into pieces though! Fill the jar with ice. Pour in water to the top. Stir, put in the fridge and chill.

RASPBERRY or BLACKBERRY MINT WATER: Add mint lieaves to the jar and bruise with a muddler or the handle of a wooden spoon. Add berries. If using frozen berries (which you can get at Trader Joe's and they are organic), just drop them into the jar. If using fresh, you might want to press them a bit with the handle of the spoon to release the juices. Fill the jar with ice. Pour water to the top. Stir, put in the fridge and chill.

WATERMELON ROSEMARY WATER: Add a sprig of rosemary to the jar and gently muddle or press with wooden spoon handle - rosemary is strong, so you don't need to crush it. Add watermelon cubes; twist and press gently to release the juices. Fill the jar with ice. Pour water to the top. Stir, put in the fridge and chill.

You get the idea?? These are just some suggestions. Be creative. Maybe you want to have a drink that is less sweet. In that case, slice cucumbers and add some fresh mint. Or slice green apples and a little lemon. It's fun to hunt for things that you like that will flavor the water and make it more fun to drink. Keep it simple and remember, don't add sugar or sweeteners. The longer you soak the mixture, the more flavor it will have. 


Until next time, 

"Live Now - Live Well!"



Great !!!!

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